Monday, February 16: Generosity

On the hunt for . . . . Generosity

Today, let’s watch carefully for all the times that we see people being generous.

Maybe it is a teacher taking extra time to help a student with questions about school work.

Maybe it is a friend sharing a snack or a special toy. Maybe it is a parent putting some special food in a lunch. What did you see? (write or draw it). What do you think God saw?

Be Generous! Make your own generosity kit. If you picked up your Lenten Box you have a bag in it.You can put pencils, pens, candy, tissues, coins, and other things to share in the bag. Then, throughout the next 40 days, share with people -- be generous! Watch and see what happens! 

2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of us must give as our hearts tell us to give -- not reluctantly or because someone tells us to give. God loves it when we give cheerfully!


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