Family Devo for Week of March 16: The Table

Gather: Come together and share with each other names of people you have not seen recently. Maybe an older neighbor that hasn't come out much this winter, or someone from church.

read or Tell together: Luke 19:1-10, the story of Zacchaeus. As Jesus was journeying through Jericho, a tax-collector named Zacchaeus wanted to see him. Because he was short he couldn't see over the crowd, so he climbed a Sycamore tree to get a better view. As Jesus passed by he called out to Zacchaeus in the tree. Jesus told Zacchaeus to come down because Jesus was going to visit him at his home for dinner. Zacchaeus was so honored to host Jesus! Other people questioned Jesus asking him why he would eat with someone who had stolen money -- as most tax collectors did. Most people avoided Zacchaeus because he was not honest with their money. Zacchaeus told them that he would give half of his money away to people who needed it and if he ever cheated anyone he would give them 4-times his income. Jesus said he was so happy that people were not ignoring Zacchaeus anymore because he was not cheating them. Jesus said, "the lost have been returned."

discuss together: Talk about the names you gathered together. Who might you call to see if they would like to have a meal with your family? Create a plan to have a meal with that person. Think about what happens when we gather around the dinner table together. How can we reach out to people who might be lonely?

pray together: Gracious God, help us to use our table to spend time with those who might feel lost or lonely. Help us to remember that you sat at the table with Zacchaeus and so many others who needed to feel loved. Help us to do the same.

special Extra: See Pastor Brenda's trip to visit Zacchaeus' tree! 


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