Family Devo for March 2: Listen!

Gather:  Together different items that make quiet sounds. You may want a favorite quiet song, a rain stick, a small drum, a chime, music sticks or find a few things around the house: sandpaper, two wooden spoons, two tin pans, metal spoons.
read or tell:  Jesus took Peter and James and John up to a high mountain. He stood in front of them and his face shone like the sun and his clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly next to him were Moses and Elijah talking with him. Peter said, "Lord, I will make three buildings -- one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah." While he was speaking a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, the Beloved, with him I am well pleased; listen to him." (Matthew 17: 1-5)

Discuss Together: Sometimes when we think someone needs help we jump up and help right away. That is what happened to Peter. He didn't know what to do when he saw the famous prophets standing next to Jesus. So, he thought he would build some houses. But God wants us to spend time listening. God tells Peter, that Jesus is his Son and reminds Peter to listen to Jesus. God wants us to stop and listen and think about what God wants us to do.

Do Together: Take turns playing some of the gathered instruments. Listen quietly to the different sounds with your eyes closed. Then, take turns sharing where you saw or heard God -- felt God's presence in the past week. Listen closely to each other without talking -- just listen and look at the person speaking.

Pray Together: Dear God, thank you for being with us. Help us to listen closely this week to hear what you want us to do. Thank you for speaking to us. Amen.


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