Freeze! Advent Devotion for Tuesday, December 3rd

Gather around the Advent wreath and light one purple candle. Remind each other that this is the Hope candle. 
Read Together: Jesus spoke to the people again, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me won’t walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
Do Together: Turn off the lights in the room or if you can, the house. Take the lit candle, or if you prefer a flashlight, and walk together around the house.  Shine the light on different things. See how things look in the dark before the light is in the room or shining on them. Think about how difficult it is to know where to go without the light.
Discuss together what it felt like to walk in the dark. How did the light help? Why do you think that Jesus says he is the “light of the world?” 
Think About: During Jesus’ lifetime people were not treated very well in Israel where he lived. The Roman government took people’s money and the Roman soldiers bullied people and often sent them to jail unfairly. Life was difficult. It felt like their lives were in the dark. Jesus showed people how to treat each other with love and care. They realized that his way was God’s way. They learned that if they followed Jesus, they would live a better way. They said it was like following a light because they knew a good way to live. Have you ever had to make a choice between being kind and loving or being mean or selfish? What is an example of a good choice you have made?
Pray Together:  Dear God, help us to always follow your light  -- the light of Christ. We thank you that Jesus taught us how to live in kindness and love and to care for others. Help us to shine that light for other people too.  Amen.


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