Family Devotion 5: I Choose to Lead

In our Bible story for October 13, we hear that Samuel is now choosing a new king. God sends Samuel to Bethlehem with some oil to the home of Jesse and his sons. Samuel tells the people that he will anoint the new king with oil and everyone will know who God wants as the new king. The sons gather together and guess who will be chosen.  At first they think it is Eliab, probably because he is the tallest and oldest. However God says to Samuel, "Don't judge by his appearance. . . . People judge by outward appearances, but the Lord looks at the heart."

Then, Samuel asks Jesse to bring in all his sons and they send for the youngest, David who is taking are of the sheep. God said, "This is the one, anoint him." Samuel does and David immediately felt strong from God's love.

Do This:
Play follow the Leader and ask the smallest person (who is able) to be the leader. Play several rounds of the game. Have the leader do things that the largest person in the family cannot do. Discuss together:
what it is like to be the smallest, the largest? How do you think David felt when he was chosen? How did the other brothers feel? Have you ever been told you can't do something because you were too small or too young? What did it feel like?

Pray Together:
Thank you God for seeing in our hearts how much we love you and love each other.  Thank you for knowing that no matter how big we are or how strong we are, we can do big and great things with you.


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