Saturday Vigil

So we wait.

We, who know what is to come, still somehow spend Saturday waiting and praying and sitting vigil.

We remember that the hope of what might be was for some a threat of significant proportions.  So significant they closed and sealed and had guards stand in the way so that no one could steal him away and claim he was not there.

First they tried to taunt and humiliate love.  Then they tried to kill love.  Then they thought they could keep love locked away.

Maybe we have all tried to do this in one way or another at some time.  At least maybe deny love, like Peter.  Or sell if off cheaply like Judas.

And we've probably all stood vigil at some point over love.  Waiting for it to come back when its been broken and trampled.  Waiting and hoping, knowing it will be there again, but still somewhat worried -- could this be the time I went too far?  So we stand vigil and wait.  We wait, ready and anxious. Let the morning love light come soon.


  1. Waiting and standing vigil is hard. Sometimes I feel like Mary. Turns out love was right there with me but wasn't what I was expecting or looking for. I didn't recognize it until my name was spoken.


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